Was ist Spiegelpolieren??

Was ist Spiegelpolieren??
Spiegelpolieren ist ein Polierverfahren, das die Oberfläche des Produkts spiegelglänzend erscheinen lässt. The polishing can not improve the dimensional accuracy and geometric accuracy of the workpiece, but it can obtain a smooth surface or a mirror gloss.
Das Spiegelpolieren wird in mechanisches Spiegelpolieren und Spiegelpolieren mit chemischen Lösungen unterteilt.
Hier untersuchen wir nur das mechanische Spiegelpolieren. Beim mechanischen Spiegelpolieren handelt es sich um einen Poliervorgang an metallischen Werkstoffen zur Erzielung einer Glätte, helle Spiegeloberfläche. Um die Spiegelfläche zu erhalten, we must use the buffing wheels from coarse to fine to polish the metal surface step by step. The different polishing stages must use different buffing wheels and polishing compounds. Mirror polishing needs to be polished several times, and the surface roughness of the workpiece should reach level 12. The mirror polishing process uses different roughness polishing materials to polish the workpiece step by step, the polishing sequence can not be confused, it must be from coarse to fine.
Let’s take a look at the process and methods of mirror polishing.
Schritt 1: Rough grinding or rough polishing of the workpiece. Generally using coarse grit abrasive flap wheels or sisal buffing wheels, the main purpose is to remove the scratches left on the surface of the workpiece.
Schritt 2: Fine grinding or semi-fine polishing of the workpiece. It generally uses fine grit abrasive flap wheels, colour stitches cotton buffing wheels, denim buffing pads and treated cotton buffing wheels plus the Poliermittel. This step must be based on step 1 have been completely completed. The surface of the workpiece must have no scratches, the main purpose of this step is to smooth the surface more.
Schritt 3: Fine polishing of the workpiece. It generally uses white cotton buffing wheels, Flanell-Polierscheiben and wool polishing wheels plus the polishing compounds. These polishing wheels are soft and smooth. After polishing it can reduce the surface roughness. And use polishing compounds together you can make the parts surface as smooth as a mirror.
According to the material of the workpiece, different polishing wheels and polishing compounds need to be used in different polishing stages. Click here for the correct selection of polishing wheels and polishing compounds.

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